Tulips of Sofia during the spring of Covid 19 pandemic

Whether it is because we are locked at home because of the pandemic of COVID 19, or simply because it is spring and the weather is beautiful, the capital of Bulgaria - Sofia is fabulously beautiful at the moment.
Unfortunately, the streets are deserted, but the parks and gardens, on the other hand, are beautiful.

Red tulips in front of  Cathedral  Saint Alexander Nevski , Sofia
Red tulips in front of  Cathedral  Saint Alexander Nevski 

Yellow tulips in front of  Cathedral  Saint Alexander Nevski , Sofia
Yellow tulips in front of  Cathedral  Saint Alexander Nevski 

I offer you a short walk in the center of Sofia. Enjoy masterfully made gardens, mostly decorated with tulips and other spring flowers.
Violet tulips in front of  Cathedral  Saint Alexander Nevski  Sofia
Violet tulips in front of  Cathedral  Saint Alexander Nevski 

Who says Holland is the land of tulips? :)
The walk starts from the monument Cathedral  Saint Alexander Nevski and goes along the garden of the Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church and the monument of the Bulgarian volunteers. Enjoy true tulip paintings and different colors and types.
Tulips in front of  Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church
Tulips in front of  Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church 

Tulips in front of  Holy Synod of the monument of the Bulgarian volunteers
Tulips in front of  Holy Synod of the monument of the Bulgarian volunteers

We continue along Moskovska Street, behind the Russian Church "Sveti Nikolay Marlichiiski" and past the Art Gallery and the former Tsar's Palace. Unfortunately, the royal garden is closed with police tapes because of the pandemic, but this does not prevent the visual enjoyment of the beautiful spring.
Garden behind behind the Russian Church "Sveti Nikolay Marlichiiski"  Sofia
Garden behind behind the Russian Church "Sveti Nikolay Marlichiiski" 

"The house with the clock" on Moskovska street
"The house with the clock" on Moskovska street

West side of the former Palace in Sofia Bulgaria
West side of the former Palace

We descend along the National Ethnographic Museum and pass on the side of the Bulgarian National Bank. There is the city garden. In place of the former mausoleum of Georgi Dimitrov, we have a real flower extravaganza.
South side of Knyaz Aleksander I square and The city garden
South side of Knyaz Aleksander I square and City Garden

Violet tulips in Sofia City Garden
Violet tulips in Sofia City Garden

White tulips in Sofia City Garden in place of the former mausoleum
White tulips in Sofia City Garden in place of the former mausoleum 

Tulips in Sofia City Garden in place of the former mausoleum
Tulips in Sofia City Garden in place of the former mausoleum

Tulips in Sofia City Garden in place of the former mausoleum
Tulips in Sofia City Garden in place of the former mausoleum

Tulips in Sofia City Garden in place of the former mausoleum
Tulips in Sofia City Garden in place of the former mausoleum

Enjoy yourself and welcome another spring in Sofia. I hope then that the Covid 19 pandemic is just a distant memory :)


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