
Showing posts from April, 2014

2014 World cup host cities - Porto Alegre, Brazil

About: Founded in 1769 by Manuel SepĂșlveda, Porto Alegre is the capital of the Brazilian state Rio Grande do Sul. Population is about 1, 5 million people (4,5 million – metropolitan area) and the majority is formed by European emigrants, which came In the late 19th century. The city is also one of the richest in Brazil. Most of the people who live in Rio Grande do Sul consider themselves as gauchos rather than Brazilians.. Porto Alegre  Before start to travel to Brazil check my post - 6 things to know, before you travel to Brazil . Location Porto Alegre is situated on the eastern bank of the Rio Guaiba, where 5 rivers converge and infuse in the lake, forming a delta. Rio Guiba is connected to the Lagoa dos Patos, which is a fresh water lagoon. It is not a problem even for big ships, coming from the Atlantic Ocean to dock at the port. Climate Porto Alegre has a humid subtropical climate. It is very muggy in the summer, because of high levels of humidity and tem...

2014 World cup host cities - Recife, Brazil

About: Founded by Dutch colonizers between 1535 and 1537, Recife is the capital city of Pernambuco. With its population of more than 1,5 million people, the city is one of the largest in the northeastern part of Brazil. Metro area is fifth largest with 3,744,000 inhabitants and is host of one of the major Brazilian ports. Recife is also known as the capital of the North-east and Brazilian Venice. It is one of the most exciting cities, after Salvador with its historic center.  Before start to travel to Brazil check my post - 6 things to know, before you travel to Brazil . Recife, Brazil Location Recife is situated on the northeastern coast of Brazil, where Capibaribe River flows into the Atlantic Ocean. The city is divided into four major areas – Centre (Centro), North Zone (Zona Norte), South Zone (Zona Sul) and West Zone (Zona Oeste) and occupies an area of 218 sq km (84 sq mi).  Climate Recife has a tropical climate and temperatures in the dry season...