Visit Brazil for world cup 2014

Do you know which country is hosting world cup 2014 2014 is year of big sport events. Shortly after the completion of the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi, ski season will be closed and the winter will go from the northern hemisphere. But summer will bring new sports emotions, because this year is the year of football.The Brasil football World Cup 2014 (Copa do Mundo) will be the twentieth World Cup Soccer in its history. It will be in South America and more specially in Brazil. The beginning is Thursday, June 12 and finals are on Sunday, July 13. It will be the second time after 1950, that this soccer world cup forum will be in Brazil. The country was elected undoubted as host in 2007. Discover the host Cities map of 2014 World cup. Brazil 2014 Worldcup football | Vector by Vector Open Stock In a series of posts, I will focus on each of the host cities. Those of you who plan to attend the Mundial 2014 will find...