European move week 2013
I visit South park in Sofia on Saturday and I was amazed how many children were playing there. The number of sport federations presented was also an amazing fact. There were a lot of demonstrations in which children had the main role (excepting the dangerous ones like the demonstration of fire extinguishing ).
Demonstration of fire extinguishing by people practicing fire applied sport and firemen.
Demonstration of orienteering
The European MOVE WEEK is an annual European wide campaign week promoting sport and physical activity and their positive impact on European societies.
The MOVE WEEK is for individuals, organisations and cities from across Europe. The aim is celebration of sport and physical activity, by promoting the myriad of successful sport and physical activity initiatives across Europe and initiate new ones.
Each participating organisation or city creates one or more events that will mobilize citizens to gather and engage in sport or physical activity, which are presented to the wider public.
Activities during MOVE WEEK are usually popular activities that can rally European citizens to participate in the events.
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